with the new communication tools
flexible - efficient

Choose location, time and duration of your English lessons –
for conversation, helping with homework, learning with textbooks or preparing for your exam.

from beginners to advanced

– High speed internet access
– Computer, tablet and / or smart phone

How it Works
– We agree on date, duration and objective of the lesson in advance.
– We decide on a means of communication (e.g. Whatsapp or Line) and are ready to go.
– You will improve your English language skills in the comfort of the environment of your choice.
– After the lesson you will receive feedback, word list, homework etc.

You buy in advance a credit of
300 minutes à Fr. 60.-/h Fr. 300.00
600 minutes à Fr. 56.-/h Fr. 560.00
900 minutes à Fr. 52.-/h Fr. 780.00